
Using his broad based legal, commercial and business experience to overcome the barriers to resolving disputes.












Mike has been CEDR (Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution) Mediator since 1996.

  • Early adopter and advocate of mediation/ADR (alternative dispute resolution)

  • Responsible for strategic repositioning of large law firm litigation practice to embrace ADR

  • Practice 3 times winner of CEDR Award for Professional Excellence in ADR

Mediation skills and capabilities


Legal expertise, spanning both disputes (contentious) and commercial deal making (non-contentious) disciplines.

  • Legal risk management

  • Litigation advice and management

  • Dispute resolution

  • Deal making

  • Transaction management

  • Cost management

  • Client/stakeholder mangement

Application to Mediation
  • Identify the key legal issues

  • Test legal positions

  • Evaluate likely outcomes

  • Build common ground

Management consultant

Working as a Management Consultant advising large corporates and institutions on the delivery of transformative change.

  • Analytics - disassembling complex problems, determining core issues, and developing deliverable solutions

  • Behavioural science - techniques for establishing what makes individuals tick and how to build high performing teams

  • Transformation - techniques to instil new ways of thinking and working, to deliver sustainable transformation

  • Get to the core - drawing out the true causes of the dispute and possible practical solutions

  • Build collaboration - positioning the dispute as a shared problem to be solved by all involved

  • Motivate - building collective buy in to the mediation process and to any settlement which is reached

Managing Director

Operating as a senior executive, delivering a major global project and managing at board level the corporate affairs of a multi-billion dollar share services organisation.

  • Corporate leadership

  • Board experience and management

  • C-suite experience

  • Stakeholder management

  • Empathy - understanding the priorities of senior execs and factoring them into solution building

  • Pace - moving at the right speed to maintain the engagement of seniors

  • Focus - concentrating on what is important and will make a difference